Sacred Bulls

“Sacred Cow” = that which one isn’t really allowed to speak a differing opinion on in public company.

“Sacred Bull” = that which one can’t even conceive anything outside the given norm, let alone even attempt to speak differently on it….

>The Oldest Form of Fear…:

“They” control “Us” so thoroughly because They have given Us Their minds. They fear the uncertainty, thus We fear it; They fear death, the greatest uncertainty, and thus We fear it also–and thus We perceive only the long-lived life to be the “good life,” instead deeming a short-lived life Truly Lived as an “unfulfilled” life; They fear self-governance and individualism, thus We inherently fear True Anarchy–for, when authority is impossible so, too, is slavery; They can’t handle Goodness and Love, and so We’ve lost touch of what it means to be Good and be Love.

To stand in your Truth, Goodness, and Love is to defeat Them by default, for Truth is without sin, Goodness is without vice, and Love is without fear.

>Ask Questions, Get Answers:

When you ask questions, you’ll get answers–bad questions give bad answers, while good questions will give good answers.

Because Their plans are revealed by anyone who can think about things, thus They’ve required that We’re made unable to even think–We’re taught what to think, and how to think, but not to think. We punish Our kids for asking questions We can’t answer properly, and so We grow up simply accepting whatever is told to Us by perceived “authorities.” We no longer even question the perceived-obvious–like, “What colour is the sky?” Before you knee-jerk, think about it: Is it still blue at nighttime? Is it still blue during dawn or dusk? Truth is…, the sky is actually completely colourless and transparent!

>Dialectic of Dichotomies:

Consider the following dichotomy: Is the Earth “round” or “flat”? Before everyone blindly believed Earth was round, they believed it was flat. If the “majority is always wrong,” then what is Earth’s True shape?

Truth is…, it doesn’t even matter! What matters is, firstly, that it only matters what a given dichotomy is distracting you from (for example, that We’re stuck on a “prison planet”), and, next, that the Truth itself lies as far away from each end of a dichotomy as each end of the dichotomy exists from each other. We must free Ourselves from Their enslavement before We can even begin to seek Truth properly.

>What It Means To Be Good:

Why must Good always have to win over Evil…? Why is it really so bad for Evil to win out over Good…?

To Truly comprehend the above queries is to grasp at the Truth of Good and Evil itself…: Good is merely the state of high-vibration energy, nothing more; Evil is merely the state of low-vibration energy, nothing more. Good is not inherently good; Evil is not inherently bad. Further, Good-energy is considered a “masculine” energy while Evil-energy is a “feminine” one; this does not mean that men are good and women are bad–both men and women contain masculine and feminine energies, but women are still easier to corrupt than men, initially, which is why tyrants target women and children first. Finally, all high-vibe energies can then also be considered masculine (like Love, Truth, and Awakening) while low-vibe energies can thus be called feminine (like hate, sin, and ignorance).

Consider that old Native allegory: We have two “wolves” fighting each other forever within Us, where one is Good and the other is Evil. The one that “wins” is the one that We “feed.” But…. When one feeds their Evil wolf and their Good wolf is defeated, one’s left with only their Evil wolf–of course. However, even when one feeds their Good wolf and it defeats the Evil wolf–because that very act is an Evil act, the Good wolf must then become Evil in its stead. Therefor, the only Way to Truly be Good is to feed both wolves–making them both your pets!

“A man cannot destroy the savage in him by denying its impulses. The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it.”

>Order out of Chaos…:

One of Our deepest-held “beliefs” is that Order is good while Chaos is bad–why is that, and who ultimately taught Us this?

Consider a crystal: The crystal is an ordered state of matter, and as such its atoms’ freedom of movement is extremely limited. Consider next the air you breathe: Air exists as a chaotic state of matter, and as such its atoms’ freedom of movement is extremely vast. Therefor…, Truly, it’s Chaos that’s Good–and Order that’s Evil. Indeed, that’s why only tyrants ever say, “Order out of Chaos”! Indeed, what We’re mistaking as Chaos is actually “Disorder”–where Order is absent, but Good is also absent.

>Buck the System:

“Insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly while expecting differing results.” ~Albert Einstein.

The root of the System is money: Money, by default, must always create and maintain inequality fundamentally (even if everyone on Earth was given the exact same amount of money, as soon as a single transaction was made inequality via wealth comes to exist), therefor True equality is only possible when money ceases to exist. We can never solve poverty via money; We can never solve famine via money; We can never solve any worldly problems via money–as money’s the root cause of it all!

The System is, fundamentally, Evil. Therefor, it’s impossible to resolve any worldly problems from within the System and its means–as it’s the System, ultimately, that’s brought those issues into being to begin with! Poverty is not a symptom of over-population, but of the greed inherent within the System–once the System ceases to exist, the Earth will suddenly and easily manage many billions of people alone with even the current available land-space. Our energy issues aren’t a symptom of Humanity’s “vile nature,” but instead of the inherent Evil Nature of the System itself–once the System ceases to exist, Humanity will suddenly, with the proper increase in collective consciousness, become far more loving, less vile, and crime and fear will fall almost to zero.

“One cannot solve a problem by using the same mindset that created it in the first place.” ~Albert Einstein.

>I Believe…:

The ultimate “Sacred Bull” is probably belief itself…. However, this also means non-belief must be equally as perilous. So…, where’s the Truth at? It lies at…what I’ll call “notbelief”–instead of Star Wars’ Yoda’s, “Do, or do not, there is no try,” I’d say it’s actually, “Do, or notdo, do not try.” Simply observe all things, and stick with, don’t believe nor refuse to believe, what jives with your heart and Self. This is the Way to Truth!

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